Friday, April 2, 2010

Gone . . . 8 months !!!

How sad is that . . . 8 months !!! Good news is it will be summer before we know it and the adventures can begin again! Just to bring y'all up to date: Braeden is 12, Kallahan is 8, Katie is going to have baby boy #2 in May . . . life is quick and life is good. Looking back: Katie & family graduated from BYU-I, back to school, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas in Carolina, football, basketball x2, baseball, beach trips, Spring Break a.k.a. When Mom Ran Away, and now Easter weekend. It's been fast and furious on Timber Lane!!! "Life is to be enjoyed . . . not just endured." We're trying . . .

Raleigh & his Texas Longhorn . . . so, so cute!
Houston Rodeo means spring is on the way!!!
Camping . . . again! Bring on the hot chocolate, baby!!!
Big smile . . . ahhhhhh, spring break.
Braeden ready to fly away!
School days with Kallahan . . . one of mom's favorite things.
Christmas meant guns & knives this year.
Let's go shooting, Santa!
Trick or Treat, anyone?
Flying home after a long summer out West!!!
The first of many BYU mountain climbs.
More fun in Utah
Raleigh, Rexburg, wheat fields, & uncles . . . very sweet!
Treasures: 1,2,3
Proud uncles in the Park . . . good-bye Idaho!


  1. Yay you posted. What a cute post! I love the proud uncles shot and the one in the field. Here's hoping we will be enjoying life more and getting a little help enduring until your next post.

  2. Wow, I am exhausted for you. What fun you have had with your family. Love you!

  3. Love seeing how much your family is changing! Your boys are so big now. Still can't believe Katie is on Child 2 and you're a grandma. That is so weird. Good thing you're an awesome looking grandma! :)
