Wednesday, May 26, 2010

School's OUT for SUMMER !!!

Crazy how the school year has flown right on by . . . Lots of fun days . . . a few sad/bad days . . . but all my days are brighter because of my boys. They are my SUNSHINE !!! Last night we watched Kallahan play for hours at the Baseball End Of Season Party . . . Today, Kallahan and I snook out of school and went out to lunch! (Shhhhhh . . . don't tell !!!) Earlier in the day, I was able to watch the 2nd grade Talent Show with him and then I even got to SUB for his class for a couple of hours! What a treat for this Momma!!! At the end of the day, I happened upon a 6th Grade Reader who has just written and illustrated his 1st book. He was reading to a Kindergarten class . . . and to my surprise, I recognized that voice and dropped in to hear his story. Braeden James McKee, you make me proud!!! He has had rough year at Bales . . . our whole family is glad this year is over for him! In spite of the drama (no details necessary), he received the following awards at the ceremony today: All A's 2009-10, Presidential Academic Award of Excellence, and Perfect Attendance for this school year AND for the three years he was at Bales: 4th, 5th, and 6th grades.

It's been fun. And it's been crazy. But it's OVER !!! Let the summer begin!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

SC Native: Trenton Keith Sorensen

One week early . . .
and yet RIGHT ON TIME . . .

What a trip this has been so far . . . less than 48 hours and SO MUCH has happened. Big news to share . . . Katie & Stephen & Raleigh welcome Trenton Keith Sorensen to their family. Katie's pregnancy went smoothly and the delivery was like "clockwork" . . . what a miracle!
May 15th. . . 3:42 am . . . 7 lbs. 7 oz. . . . 20-1/4 in. . . and ALL BOY !!!
The journey so far:

First order of business for the day: Big Brother Raleigh
delivers breakfast to the hospital . . .
evidently, Trenton REALLLLY likes Chick-fil-a
mini-chicken biscuits and orange juice already!!

Raleigh says "hello" to Trenton . . .
See the love!!!
Trenton lets Raleigh hold him . . .
what a good little brother !!!
So very tiny . . . so very sweet . . . so very loved!!!
Just call him "Angel of the Morning . . . "

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Once upon a time . . . a long, long time ago . . .
the Riley family moved from Houston to Alvin, Texas.

And soon thereafter, the baby sister followed
in her sister's footsteps . . .
and moved to Texas with her little girl, Katie Maria.
(We missed you this year, sweet Katie!!!)

Many miracles, memories, quarrels, Texas moons, tears
and hugs later . . .
the love between sisters lives on.
And each year, the Riley's share their tradition of the
Texas Bluebonnets.

OK . . . so, Julian SAID turn around!!!
What did he expect two crazy Meadows girls to do?!?

Kallahan won his baseball game and got the to Riley's
as fast as he could . . .
the jumping thingy is always a hit!!!

Bouncy. Bouncy. Bouncy.

Braeden and Ken were too big for the jumping thingy . . .
so . . . .

They joined the BIG KIDS tossing footballs and frisbees in the back yard.
(He sure is growing up!!!)

But where did I find him next?
In the jumping thingy . . . having a ball with the little ones!!!
(Ok . . . and hitting his little brother . . . typical!)

My mega-size pans of "Vera's Baked Beans"
were eaten up like crazy . . .

And just when you thought they were all gone . . .
Ken and the boys arrived with pan #2 from home to save the day!!!

So . . . the BBQ is over but the tradition lives on.
The Riley Family will spend the day in the Texas Bluebonnets tomorrow.
They will be wearing "tangerine" colored shirts this year.
Baby Paige came all the way from Utah with her family . . .
Emma flew in from Idaho.
Ari and his mom and dad live close by.
No doubt, the weather will be beautiful as always . . .
and if history repeats itself . . . there will be at least one picture of Emma crying.
(I know!!! She didn't cry last year . . . but, who knows!?!)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Gone . . . 8 months !!!

How sad is that . . . 8 months !!! Good news is it will be summer before we know it and the adventures can begin again! Just to bring y'all up to date: Braeden is 12, Kallahan is 8, Katie is going to have baby boy #2 in May . . . life is quick and life is good. Looking back: Katie & family graduated from BYU-I, back to school, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas in Carolina, football, basketball x2, baseball, beach trips, Spring Break a.k.a. When Mom Ran Away, and now Easter weekend. It's been fast and furious on Timber Lane!!! "Life is to be enjoyed . . . not just endured." We're trying . . .

Raleigh & his Texas Longhorn . . . so, so cute!
Houston Rodeo means spring is on the way!!!
Camping . . . again! Bring on the hot chocolate, baby!!!
Big smile . . . ahhhhhh, spring break.
Braeden ready to fly away!
School days with Kallahan . . . one of mom's favorite things.
Christmas meant guns & knives this year.
Let's go shooting, Santa!
Trick or Treat, anyone?
Flying home after a long summer out West!!!
The first of many BYU mountain climbs.
More fun in Utah
Raleigh, Rexburg, wheat fields, & uncles . . . very sweet!
Treasures: 1,2,3
Proud uncles in the Park . . . good-bye Idaho!