Friday, January 16, 2009

Pictures NOT Required

No photos this week . . . too busy living life to capture it, right ?!?! This week has been filled with basketball practices, basketball games, cub scouts, boy scouts, PINEWOOD DERBY races, school, friends, family, Gymboree, shopping, phone calls, and MORE. My sister tells me she doesn't know how I do it all . . . what she doesn't know is that I don't. I have so much support in this effort we call life. Today (and everyday) I am so thankful for Ken and Braeden and Kallahan and Katie and Stephen and Raleigh and Karyn, Dawn, Kimberly, Becky, Jeannie, Celia, Emma, Karen, Chris, Cindy, Lee, and countless others who appreciate what I do and when I do it and how I do it . . . and always help me out along the way. It's a cliche to some . . . but to me it's a REALITY . . . . Life IS Good ! ! !


  1. Vera, Vera, Vera! You were a topic of conversation at our house last week. I can't believe I have known you for over 12 years. (Dang, we are OLD.) Nevertheless, you've stuck with me through thick and thin. A true friend indeed. I love ya!

  2. You have always been a superwoman! How did your boys get so big so fast? Cub scouts? scouts?
